• Call for papers

  • Abstract submission will open on 30 April, 2025
  • Abstract submission process

    • There are no fees for submitting abstracts
    • Abstracts will be made available to the participants in an electronic form. The author is solely responsible for the ethical and scientific content of the submission as well as for its proper grammatical and stylistic form.
    • The principal author is expected to present the work in-person during the workshop (oral or poster session). In case this is not possible, the primary author may delegate the presentation to one of the co-authors.
  • Abstract submission guidelines

    Language:  All submitted material shall be written in English.

    Title of presentation: Please choose a brief title (maximum of 100 characters) that clearly indicates the content of the contribution. Please avoid abbreviations in the title. Abbreviations may be used in the text if they are defined when first used.

    Principal author: Name, email, institution, business affiliation (department, school, agency, or company, etc.), city and country. In instances of multiple authorship, the person whose name is listed first is expected to deliver the presentation, unless otherwise specified.

    Co-authors: their names, email, institution/business information, country

    Preference: for oral presentation or poster session.

    Session: Please choose one of the 9 thematic areas.

    1 - International context and project status 
    Includes mission design, mission ground segment, data distribution, synergy with other missions, science plan, cal/val plan, overall definition of products

    2 - Products & processings
    Includes level 1 (in-orbit calibration, radiometric and geometric correction of the products) and level 2 (atmospheric correction algorithms, Temperature-Emissivity separation, Directional effects, Cloud mask).
    The level 2 and 3 scientific products (typically: vegetation variables, albedo, energy budget variables, evapotranspiration, stress index) shall be considered as part of the relevant scientific session as listed below. 

    Scientific sessions (algorithms, models, Scientific products, Science applications, Validation):

    3 - Ecosystem stress & water use
    4 - Coastal and inland waters
    5 - Urban ecosystem monitoring
    6 - Cryosphere
    7 - Solid Earth

    8 - Downstream activities and applications
    Includes potential commercial use of the distributed products

    9 - Products demo
    Demonstrations with simulated products, access to the distribution gateway and typical use cases.

    Abstract: Please ensure that your abstract contains no more than 500 words. Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics in the abstract. Provide maximum relevant information in the abstract and if the subject matter is empirical, the following structure is obligatory: objective, methods, results, conclusions.

    Key-words: Please indicate keywords for your abstract from the following list. You may also add your own keywords.
    ATBD, atmosphere, calibration, cloud, data distribution, evapotranspiration, fire, ice, in-situ measurements, irrigation, land surface emissivity, land surface temperature, LSTM, mission design, mission ground segment, processing, protocol, product, SBG, Sea Surface Temperature, snow, Sentinel-2, thermal infrared, validation, system, water stress

    You may attach an image.

  • Registration & Administration
    26 av Jean Kuntzmann
    38330 Montbonnot Saint-Martin
    Tel : +33 825 595 525 (0,15€/min*)
    Information desk
    monday to friday from 2pm to 5pm
    (*) Prices starting from fixed line incumbent, a surcharge may be applied by operators, counting the second after the first 45 seconds.

    According to France's Personal Data Privacy Act in effect since June 2004, you may send a request in writing to INSIGHT OUTSIDE 26 Avenue Jean Kuntzmann, 38330 - Montbonnot Saint Martin / France, or by email webmaster@insight-outside.fr to access your file in order to consult, modify and/or delete your personal information.

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