• Welcome

  • Background

    Monitoring accurately the water cycle at the Earth surface is becoming extremely important in the context of climate change and population growth. It also provides valuable information for a number of practical applications: agriculture, soil and water quality assessment, irrigation and water resource management, etc... It requires surface temperature measurements at local scale. Such is the goal of the TRISHNA, LSTM and SBG missions.

    The surface temperature and its dynamics are precise indicators of the evaporation of water from soils, transpiration of plants and of the local climate. The frequent high-resolution measurements provided by the aforementioned missions raise major scientific, economic and societal issues through the major themes that the missions address from the angle of research and development of applications: ecosystem stress and water use; coastal and inland waters; monitoring of the urban climate; cryosphere; solid Earth; atmosphere.
  • The Indian-French high spatio-temporal TRISHNA mission (Thermal infraRed Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural resource Assessment), is led by ISRO (Indian space agency) and CNES (French Space agency).
    © CNES - ISRO

    © European Space Agency – ESA 
    LSTM (Land Surface Temperature Monitoring) is an ESA mission developed by Airbus Defense and Space, set to join the Copernicus Sentinel system. The satellite will have Thermal Infrared (TIR) observation capabilities over land and coastal regions in support of agriculture management services, and possibly a range of additional services. The LSTM mission will consists of two satellites, LSTM-A and LSTM-B.


    © JPL / ASI
    Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) is a Directed Observable mission led by NASA/JPL and ASI that includes a wide swath visible-to-shortwave infrared imaging spectrometer and a wide-swath thermal imager will provide mow-the-lawn global coverage of Earth’s terrestrial, coastal and open ocean surfaces as well as atmospheric conditions. SBG addresses decadal survey science and applications focal areas including snow, coastal ecosystems, vegetation health, volcanic activity, and mineralogy.

  • Workshop Objectives

    The objective is to gather all people involved and interested in the science and applications in which the future high resolution thermal infrard missions will contribute: contributors to the design of the mission or elaboration of the products and potential users. After the TRISHNA days in Toulouse, France in March 2022, the international high resolution thermal infrared workshops of Frascati, Italy in May 2023 and Ahmedabad, India in November 2024, this international workshop shall be another key milestone in order to converge on the science plans, including CAL/VAL activities, scientific algorithms for data processing, product definition, with enhanced coordination between all partners.

    Discussions and exchanges will include:

    The international context.
    All discussions within the workshop shall be considered in synergy with the future operational missions with high resolution and high revisit thermal infrared capability (TRISHNA, Copernicus’ LSTM, NASA’s SBG), and based on the experience gathered with the pathfinder missions (LANDSAT, ASTER, ECOSTRESS)

    Elaboration of products and Calibration/Validation
    • Definition of the scientific products and variables
    • Requirements and constraints for the distribution of the products to the users
    • The elaboration of the products, through the redaction of the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents
    • Calibration and validation activities

    Scientific themes and associated applications
    • Ecosystem stress and water use: advances in the assimilation of land surface temperature or evapotranspiration in hydrological models
    • Coastal and inland waters
    • Urban climate modeling
    • Cryosphere
    • Solid earth
    • Atmosphere
  • Workshop Format

    The workshop will last for 3 days. It will include a series of plenary presentations.

    Furthermore, specific themes and issues will be discussed in follow-up breakout sessions. The outcomes of the breakout sessions will be presented in plenary by the respective moderators followed by open discussion. The surface temperature and its dynamics are precise indicators of the evaporation of water from soils, transpiration of plants and of the local climate. TRISHNA and its frequent high-resolution measurements raise major scientific, economic and societal issues through the 6 major themes that the mission addresses from the angle of research and development of applications: ecosystem stress and water use; coastal and inland waters; monitoring of the urban climate; cryosphere; solid Earth; atmosphere.
  • Workshop Outcome

    Following the workshop, the proceedings (presentations, discussion summaries and conclusions) will be prepared and made available to participants  and other interested parties on the website.
  • Workshop language

    The working language of the workshop will be English.
  • Workshop Scientific Committee

    • Emmanuelle Autret, IFREMER
    • Itziar Barat, ESA/ESTEC
    • Wim Bastiaansen, IRRIWATCH
    • Gilles Boulet, IRD
    • Fabrizia Buongiorno, INGV
    • Aurélien Carbonnière, CNES
    • Kerry Cawse-Nicholson, NASA
    • Steffen Dransfeld, ESA
    • Ferran Gascon, ESA/ESRIN
    • Glynn Hulley, NASA
    • Mark Irvine, INRAE
    • Kanishka Mallick, LIST
    • Sebastien Marcq, CNES
    • Olivier Merlin, CESBIO
    • Rahul Nigam, ISRO/SAC
    • Albert Olioso, INRAE
    • Mehul Pandya, ISRO/SAC
    • Ghislain Picard, IGE
    • Laure Roupioz, ONERA
    • Corinne Salcedo, CNES
    • Thierry Tormos, OFB
    • Hervé Yésou, SERTIT
    • Jennifer Adams, Zürich University
  • Workshop Organization Committee

    • Thierry Carlier, CNES, FRANCE
    • Philippe Maisongrande, CNES, FRANCE
    • Bimal K. Bhattacharya, ISRO/SAC, INDIA
    • Jean-Louis Roujean, CNRS/CESBIO, FRANCE
    • Benjamin Koetz, ESA/ESRIN, ITALY
    • Simon Hook, NASA/JPL, USA
    • Simona Zoffoli, ASI, ITALY
    • Philippe Gamet, CNES, FRANCE
    • Laure Yeches, CNES FRANCE
  • Registration & Administration
    26 av Jean Kuntzmann
    38330 Montbonnot Saint-Martin
    Tel : +33 825 595 525 (0,15€/min*)
    Information desk
    monday to friday from 2pm to 5pm
    (*) Prices starting from fixed line incumbent, a surcharge may be applied by operators, counting the second after the first 45 seconds.

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